i've been reading up on holistic remedies for anxiety and nervousness for dogs. angus has always been a nervous dog, but since his "episode" he seems much more uptight. which is understandable since his world was turn upside down. last night it took him a good hour after we got up into the bedroom and settled in to finally stop pacing and lay down. he was so anxious he was making ME anxious. so, i grabbed my lappy and started reading.
turns out, lemon balm (which i have never heard of) can be used to help sooth anxiety, as well as help with tons of other stuff. i tried to find some oil that i could just add to angus's food, but no luck (well, there was some online but when i want something i want it yesterday and i don't want to pay for shipping). i decided to check out the clintonville community market to see what they had to offer.
$3.49 later i had a little baggie of dried lemon balm and a little baggie of lavender flowers. now, what to do with them...
the oil is on the stove right now.
i figured that putting a little on his food each night would help him relax some. and if it doesn't... he's still getting some good stuff with the olive oil and the lemon balm.
here's to nature!